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Align with Nidhi in whatever way you feel you are ready. She offers a multitude of modalities and channels guides and ancestors to create the best experience for your session.

Energetic Healing, Reiki, Sat Nam Rasayan & Divine Ma healing
Cord Cutting & Trauma release
Akashic Record reading
Past life regression
Spiritual and Life Coaching and Counseling
Yoga Therapy
Sound Healing
Crystal grid & reading
Angel guidance & oracle cards
Healy Frequency energy


Be ready to utilize your session for your highest good with movement, mantra, mindfulness and meditation. Each session is unique, sometimes a rest sometimes a roar! I have found that when the client is really clear on their devotion to their goal the patterns shift and they get the most out of the work and investment.


Change patterns based on your pulse rate Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
Create  a journal of your eating habits


Daily list things you can do for your SELF that show compassion


Vision Board

Take poster board, canvas and mark into 4 sections. Every week we will focus on a section.


Physical & Emotional Health Financial


We will focus on finishing touches and symbols we can use to manifest!
Have a private space to do your call, Have a journal and a way to record the session
I also ask if you have any crystal energies any images of guides you work with – if you have an altar it is powerful to work in front of it! If you don’t have an altar let’s work on what you need to create one.
Be somewhere where you can lay down and be ready to get cozy !

To Contemplate

What do I need to. Change ?? 
Who is in my realm is controlling how I feel ?
Who are my strengths ?
What am I struggling with ?
 What do I need to do to shift ?? What is holding me back ?
Where do I see myself in a year ? Where do I want to be ? Where is my safe space?
 When is my goal ? When did I start feeling I was not in control ? When am I really ready to be AWAKE
Why am I doing this , for me ?
List whatever comes into your mind.. also any questions you may have for Spirit ..we never know what comes up but must be open and ready !